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Monday, March 30, 2009

Time flies!

Gosh the time has flown since the last post. I just haven't been on the computer, too busy. My youngest son has been on spring break and the dh took that time off also. We have been busy cleaning the yard and preparing our vegetable gardens, two separate areas. We bought some plants and those are planted, and of course the weather turned bad, down to freezing and even some light flurries and ice pellets. I also bought a bunch of herbs and as soon as the cold weather stops I will plant some vegetable and flower seeds. I am behind on my research and reading genealogy newsletters and websites. Well our weather alert radio just went off, we are under severe thunderstorm watch, so best get off.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Computer Woes!

Well I got a virus and some spyware yet again! I think I got it from 4shared, so I am not going to be using it any more. It has taken over a week to get rid of it all, the virus just didn't want to go!

Yesterday I spent the day organizing my genealogy, well at least it is all within two bank boxes. I still plan on burning some CDs with info once I get more of it organized and make some more layouts. I am still hoping to find some more info too.

I find lots of help and links at, and one I found today was good on setting up your family history. It explains how geography plays apart and the genealogy of the town is part of what made up regular life for families.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Free St Patrick's Day images

Lisa Vollrath has the latest holiday downloads available. Be sure to check around her sites for all her great crafts and supplies. :)