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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Free Online Genealogy Magazine

If you haven't checked out Genealogy In Time, it's a free online genealogy magazine. It is totally free, comes out weekly, has articles archives, and offers howto articles also.

Friday, January 22, 2010

1940 and 1950 U.S. census substitutes now has more phone directories which can be used as substitutes for the 1940 and 1950 U.S. census. I tried it out, not even signed into the site, and it came up with some basic information. Although not the city, which I knew, but just being able to get that is very useful. I was able to find some people in my lines and husband's line, to keep track of any moves by finding them in the directories. I have used other sites that have some directories also, and it is really great when they mention the occupation, which was the case at least in the 1940s and earlier. The voter registrations are very useful also. I was able to track the movement and even marriages of an individual who had been married briefly to a female relative, just using the voter registrations. I even verified to another person, who had my family line connected to one of her lines, that her family tree chart on was not connected the way she thought. She did not change her information, which is totally wrong, but I know the correct information myself. So every little bit of information found helps with sourcing and to build the family connections, and their lives too.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Reading Old Handwriting

Reading some of the old documents can be a real challenge. I have had some problems with old English, Swedish and even a few other languages. I found one good site that has a lot of help. I find this site can be useful deciphering words or at least the letters. This site covers old script with tutorials in these languages: English, German, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Preserving recipes

A recent article in a newsletter, reminded me of taking the time to write a culinary journal. The likes and dislikes of various tried recipes, including what family members thought. Then to save those recipes from our mothers and grandmothers. It might even be just a special technique. I wish I had been near my mother more when I would have really been more interested and needed to know some of those special techniques! It wasn't the same over the phone and she always worried that it was costing too much, even if she was the one that called! I remember the first time I had to make Thanksgiving dinner all on my own, and she was a couple of states away, but it felt like half the country away. So many times I wish I had asked more about many subjects. It has been 18 1/2 years since she died, I sure miss her especially at the holidays. We often had big extended family get togethers during the holidays, and everyone brought something, so there were special menu items from each family. It was a great time. I hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Best wishes for a Happy New Year today and the whole year!